Tag: bash

BASH : Make a SQL query from bash

MySQL is a very convenient way to store data .
To use stored MySQL data in a BASH script you can use this simple command

this will display the result in you terminal without ASCII decorations.
if you need to use that data for something , you can store it in a var

BASH : IP validation 

if you have a list of ip to validate ,
you can use this little bash script ,
this will open your IP list ,
then test if all the 4 numbers that make a standard IP.are beeten 0 and 255

if the ip is valid then the script will return valid , else it will return : not valid

after execution , you will get the following result :

Use AWK to display x-th and y-th lines after a regex match

In a script you might be interested to keep 2 or more lines after a regex match ,
the line that interest you are not always going to be right after the match ,
the first one might be X lines after the match and the second one Y lines afters the match

in this example , i’m interested in keeping the lines with the price and the number in stock
i’m going to use awk to search for item desc , and display the 4th line after the match, and 6th line.

Bash : Delete some characters from a file with TR

in this little example of usage of the command tr
we want to clean a file so the values contained in it can be used
Example File

In my example i wish to only keep the value and deleting the character < and >

the tr command used with the -d (delete) option will allow you to delete the list of characters contained between the quotes.

You will obtain the following result

BASH : Delete the last X chars from a string

sed delete last x chars

When you scrap data in HTML , it’s common , depending on the quality of you regex to end up with a string with some useless character at the end (Or the Beginning),

If you string looks like that :

My useful data</a> <

You can use the command head to drop the X last character of your string ,
So in my Case , to Keep only the string My useful data and drop the </a> <

I’m going to pipe my string to

This will delete the last 6 chars of my string , giving the data that i need later in my script

but in some implementation of the head command this will not work ,

you can use an alternative with sed

This will delete the last 4 characters of your line ,  or alternatively


Linux : Sort a list of IP address

like we saw previously in that article , it’s possible to ping an entire /24 subnet with a little convenient bash one liner.
You will get a result like this.

The Problem is , the IP adresses are going to be displayed in the order they answer the ping , and some devices are going to answer faster than other , making a list that is not in order

the sort command in her default setting will sort using the first changing character , which is going to give me a list like that : 21, 254, 31, 32, 41, 42, 46, 8

If you have installed on you host a recent version of the sort command , you will be able to use sort -V
but on older and some embedded devices the -V option is not available ,

You can then launch the sort command with these options :

the result will be :

if you need to sort a /16 list of ip address :

you can just add -k 3,3 to the command : 

bash : Put the source of a webpage in a variable

When you do some bash scripting , this is often useful to get data from  webserver because they are a very simple way to exchange data from computer from computer.
to put the data that’s available on a webserver into a $var you just have to use the command :

this will fetch the data from http://server.com/file.htm in a non verbose way and put it in variable named var .

you can now do whatever you want with that $var , like greping it for example.


Extract values separated by character ( : , . – )

In a bash script if you find yourself with values presented that way

you might want to keep only the second or third of this values that are separated by the : character

like always , in bash there is a lot of ways to accomplish that , but i like to use a one that use the AWK utility because it’s very easy to read and understand.

my list of value is contained in a var name $var let’s extract the third value which is 18.5

Will return the value 18.5

but i can do some math operation in the utility, like :

this will return 326.5 the result of 345 – 18.5

awk is a fast and powerful text editor , there is a lot things you can do with it.