Linux : Sort a list of IP address

like we saw previously in that article , it’s possible to ping an entire /24 subnet with a little convenient bash one liner.
You will get a result like this.

The Problem is , the IP adresses are going to be displayed in the order they answer the ping , and some devices are going to answer faster than other , making a list that is not in order

the sort command in her default setting will sort using the first changing character , which is going to give me a list like that : 21, 254, 31, 32, 41, 42, 46, 8

If you have installed on you host a recent version of the sort command , you will be able to use sort -V
but on older and some embedded devices the -V option is not available ,

You can then launch the sort command with these options :

the result will be :

if you need to sort a /16 list of ip address :

you can just add -k 3,3 to the command : 

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